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The centre that offers unique therapies to deal with stress, tension, pain and illness

Rental rates for facilitators at Le Coin du Coeur;  

The Art of Healing Centre  




  1x   (day per week)  Sf    300.-/month

   2x.                                       600,-    "

   3x.                                       900.-    "

   4x.                                     1200.-   "


Breakdown is Sf 75./day,  but per year it gives 4 extra weeks free.

*This is with a 6 month contract with 2 months notice to cancel before it terminates.

Occasional use during the week; Sf 50.- per morning, afternoon or evening.  

Blocked consecutive evenings is the same rate of Sf 50, but with a members contract.


All day members:    8:00-18:00

Mornings;                  8:00-12:45

Afternoons;             13:15-18:00

Evenings;                 18:15 onwards




Weekend occasional use for non-members:  

Saturday or Sunday; all day Sf 150./day until 18:00.  Both days; Sf 250.-

Evenings from 18:00 onwards Sf 50. as a member or an occasional user.

*With a members contract; Saturday or Sunday; all day is Sf 100.-   Or the Weekend Sf 175.- 

*New policy;  members may rent the centre for slots of 2 hours at Sf 25.- any time during the week as per availability.


The contractual people, called "members" of the centre (those more established) will be asked to join meetings (optional) and will be on the centre's web-site & included in newsletters etc.  


Members will have their own key in theory (priority goes to long period users) and a mailbox key will be given to everyone.







The Art of Healing Centre

16, rte. de Colovrex

1218 Grand Saconnex

Tel.  0041 (0) 79 200 8532

Name *

Email *



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Le Coin du Coeur

The Art of Healing Centre 

16‚ rte de Colovrex

1218 Grand Saconnex, Geneva Switzerland  

© The Art of Healing Centre;  All rights reserved


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