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"Paddle for Cancer Dragon Boat Race”

10th Anniversary Celebration

Sunday, September 4th 2016 (all day)

"Come paddle with Le Coin du Coeur"


Thank you!!

Registered paddlers (2016):


Caroline Scudamore
Aline Bussat
Jennifer Ludford
Charles Bitar
Alison Holmes
Paul Holmes
Karen Thomson
Christa Etienne Young

Veronica Riemer

Antonio Fortin Styles
Dyane Epstein  

Sarah Heath  

Sarah Hunt (tentative drummer)

Susan Flores

Joan Siddiqui

Joelle Soudmann

Marie Lowe Schriederova

Karen McKusker

Patrick Meyers


We need 20 people prepared to paddle 3 short races on the Lac du Joux off the village of L’Abbaye in the Jura just 50 minutes from Geneva.  Our team "Le Coin du Coeur,” the Art of Healers team invite you to jump aboard with us in support of the battle against cancer along with many of the other great teams contributing too……….who really care.  


*The cost:                            Sf 100.- per person

*T-shirts for the team:    Offered 

*Tents for the team:         Beverages & snacks will be provided



For those truly ready to practise & win;  A pre-paddle trial demo exercise will be held a week prior to the event.  Date and location to be announced.


Please fill in the response box to register below:


For more details about this event;

See;   Association;  ESCA  (The English Speaking Cancer Association)

More detailed information to come after your registration.


Thanks everyone!

I look very much forward to some great fun together!


With heart & light always,











The Art of Healing Centre

16, rte. de Colovrex

1218 Grand Saconnex

Tel.  0041 (0) 79 200 8532

Name *

Email *



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Le Coin du Coeur

The Art of Healing Centre 

16‚ rte de Colovrex

1218 Grand Saconnex, Geneva Switzerland  

© The Art of Healing Centre;  All rights reserved


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