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Christa Etienne Young


Guided Imagery & Visualizations


Weekly meditations at Le Coin and spiritual retreats have been a most important part of my work in helping participants reach the altered state of consciousness necessary to manifest a peaceful beautiful world of love, harmony, laughter and love. These visualizations are synchronized with a scene of a stone falling into a pond undulating ripples outwards from the core heart of the body into the cosmos while repeating words.  Physicists call it the Zero Point Field.  When we connect through the heart and fall into an alpha-theta brain wave frequency, we connect to source (from the field) and heal.  The experience enables us to be in touch with that intimate understanding of who we are.  At this profound level, we experience naturally a sense of knowing before thinking, thus we become more intuitive in making wiser decisions about our future.  This frequency allows us to connect to our higher selves better becoming more creative in our lives as well as affecting the lives of others on a collective consciousness level at the same time.  


I offer 45 minute sessions to assure that all participants have reached the alpha-theta levels at least half of the time.  I also incorporate a clearing of the chakras, affirmations and dialogue with one's guides, angels, ancestors and light beings of all kinds to receive guidance for daily living.


These sessions will take place every Monday evening from 18:40-19h25 on Zoom beginning Monday, November 30th.

Sessions are sf 15.- per session.

To register each each time, just fill in the form and indicate the date.  You will receive an invitation to Zoom before 18:30 to start at 18:40 with a Paypal link.  If you are late, you may just come on line when you can.


Regular monthly meditations will resume in Arzier, Vaud. (To be announced in 2021))

Summer sessions are held outdoors in the gardens of the Grand Saconnex Mairie.

Everyone is invited to just turn up at "Le Coin du Coeur", The Art of Healing Centre starting in July, 2021 for the resumed weekly sessions.


To Register for the new "Guided Imagery Meditations"  on Zoom;

Please fill in the form to your left to reserve and indicate the day.


These Zoom sessions are:

--Every Monday evening:  18:40-19:25 beginning November 30th, 2020.

--Summer sessions:  Tuesday evenings;   July & August:  18:30-19:15, 2021

*No reservations, just turn up before the start of the session!!



The Art of Healing Centre
16, rte. de Colovrex
1218 Grand Saconnex
Tel.  0041 (0) 79 200 8532


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