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Erik Zoeteweij
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Trauma Releasing Exercises


About Me


I am an advanced EFT practitioner with AAMET, a practitioner of NLP and IET (Integrated Energy Techniques) and have done training in Provocative Energy Techniques and Picture Tapping Technique. I am also a TRE provider.

I believe EFT can and does bring inner peace. My own limiting beliefs kept me in a job I didn’t enjoy for nearly 25 years but was afraid to leave. In 2008 I did leave to go on a journey of self-discovery. I quickly realised I wanted to start helping others do so too. This led me to finding EFT, a hands-on technique to do this (for personal development and for helping others) and should be fun.

Through my work with EFT I then discovered TRE and have found that the two complement each other brilliantly. Since I started TRE in 2012, I have found it very relaxing and over time have become physically much suppler and noticed that things that used to worry me no longer do.

As my personal journey continues, I am passionate about helping people improve the quality of their life and attach great importance to meeting clients where they are right now.




EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques);  Sf 80.-/per hour

--Recommended;  90 minute sessions


Click here to learn more:


TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises);  Sf 80.-/per hour

--First Session;  90 minutes, followed by sessions of 1 hour or 90 minutes


Click here to learn more:



To book a session or for more information, contact Erik;

1279 Chavannes de Bogis


Skype sessions available;  efterikzoeteweij





Le Coin du Coeur

The Art of Healing Centre

16, rte. de Colovrex 

1218 Grand Saconnex, Geneva

Tel.  0041 (0) 79 200 8532




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